Goethe Unibator

Entrepreneurial Ecosystems – How to foster the Frankfurt Region


An Evening with Dr. Yasuyuki Motoyama (Kauffman Foundation), Dr. Thomas Funke and Dr. Matthias Wallisch (RKW Kompetenzzentrum). The event is hosted by the Goethe University Business Incubator (Unibator) and Goethe University. July 22nd 2015, 4 pm, Casino, Room 1.812, Campus Westend, Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 1, 60323 Frankfurt.

The performance of new ventures is strongly impacted by something much larger than the business itself: the surrounding ecosystem. The conversation about how to effectively encourage an ecosystem of entrepreneurship continues to thrive. Important aspects of an entrepreneurial ecosystem include its culture, entrepreneurial role models, the presence of large firms, universities, service providers, money and expertise in supporting new entrepreneurial activity and an information-rich environment in which this information is both accessible and shared.

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Creating entrepreneurial ecosystems poses various challenges for policy makers. Appropriate measures and regional approaches will be presented by Yasuyuki Motoyama. He is a director in Research and Policy at the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation. His main research areas are regional ecosystem of entrepreneurship, drivers of high-growth companies and university-industry relations. A regional perspective on Frankfurt and the Rhein-Main Area will be provided Dr. Thomas Funke and Dr. Matthias Wallisch. The experts from the RKW Kompetenzzentrum will present the results of an extensive research project conducted in collaboration with the Goethe University based on an innovative model to evaluate entrepreneurial ecosystems. The views and measures will be complemented and contested by the perception and experiences of a regional entrepreneur in the technology business.The event is open to the public. I want to take part.