Gelegenheit zum Pitch, zur Vernetzung oder Informationszugewinn – wesentlicher Teil der Vorteile, die ihr als Gründer vom Unibator genießen könnt, sind Events. Hier die Übersicht aller Termine im März, die Gründer wissen sollten.
Start Summit 2018
15. & 16.03. Location: Universität St. Gallen, Schweiz
START Summit is Europe’s leading student-run conference for entrepreneurship and technology gathering more than 2000 participants with the aim of connecting relevant stakeholders. We strive for inspiring and educating early-stage founders and students in order to enable innovation.
The focus topics are defined by today’s mega-trends. Disrupt industries, digitalize everyday life, define new boundaries and create a new reality.
Mehr hier.
Christina Kraus, MSc (Gründerin Meshcloud GmbH)
21.03. 09:30-11:00 Uhr Location: Unibator Co-Working Raum * Senckenberganlage 31 * Juridicum, 5. OG
Weitere Partner-Veranstaltungen:
Film night at TQ : “CODE: Debugging the Gender Gap” :
05.03. 19:00-21:00 Uhr Location: TechQuartier, Waldstadion
CODE aims to inspire change in mindsets, in the educational system, in startup culture and in the way women see themselves in the field of coding.
Chainday Frankfurt, by codecentric
09.03. 10:00-16:00 Uhr Location: TechQuartier, Waldstadion
During this activity, several aspects of blockchain will be discussed. Among other things, implementations in supply chain management or identity management for example. The goal will be to work together and develop criteria to decide when a blockchain can be used, and when it should be avoided altogether. Use cases and practical applications will be reviewed as well.
Please note that this event will be held in German.
CrowdCon : ”The Crowd in a Changing Financial Ecosystem”
13.03. 16:00-20:00 Uhr Location: TechQuartier, Waldstadion
The German Crowdfunding Association (Bundesverband Crowdfunding e. V.) invites you to the first CrowdCon in Frankfurt am Main. Tarek Al-Wazir, Hesse’s Minister for Economic Affairs, Energy, Transport and Regional Development, will open the crowdfunding conference with a keynote address. The main topic of the panel discussions will be “The Future of Crowd Investing”. Following this exchange, selected startups will present their business concepts in an elevator pitch round. A jury consisting of representatives of successful crowd investment platforms will judge the presented concepts of the start-ups. After the pitches, all participants are invited to network in a relaxed atmosphere and talk about potential partnerships.
Please note that this event will be held in German.
Deutsche Börse Crypto Asset Dojo – A chance to win €1,000
16. & 17.03. Location: Deutsche Börse
Are you into creative thinking, coding, designing, thinkering and brainstorming? Then this activity by our partner Deutsche Börse might be for you! This 2-day activity will be all about crypto assets – or, to be more specific, about Ether, bitcoin, other crypto currencies, initial coin offerings and even tokenised company shares on private or public blockchains. Divided into groups of up to five and given unique challenges on site, your participation can range from presenting ideas and designs up to the development of prototype software. You are fully in charge of how and what you want to present with the goal to differentiate you and your team’s concept from the other attendees.
Erfolgsfaktor User Experience – PwC’s UX Accelerator Programm für Startups
19.03. 10:00-16:00 Uhr Location: TechQuartier, Waldstadion
Usability and User Experience (UX) are important components of any digital product or service. Only if the true needs of users are taken into account when designing the product can a new company be truly successful in the market and compete with similar offerings. Good user experience is no coincidence. Rather, it is the result of careful planning, analysis, investment and continuous improvement. To show what’s behind the UX Accelerator program and to clean up some of UX’s most common misunderstandings, the PwC UX team is hosting this meet-up at TQ on March 19th. Following the presentation of the program, we will be looking forward to meet direct exchange with you over a cold drink or two.
Please note that this event will be held in German.
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